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Biofouling ; 39(7): 748-762, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37791479


Bryozoans are commonly associated with various artificial structures in marine environments and have been responsible for several bioinvasion events worldwide. Understanding the interactions between bryozoans and artificial structures is therefore essential to prevent the establishment and spread of potential bioinvaders. This study investigated bryozoan recruitment on four different substrates (PET, nautical ropes, metal, and PVC) placed in three orientations (vertical, horizontal facing down and facing up) in an area of the Western Atlantic. In total, 15 species of bryozoans were found. The results revealed significant variations in assemblages' richness, with bryozoans showing a preference for settling on PVC (14 species found) and on the underside of horizontal substrates (15 species found), resulting in the higher representativity observed in this study. Cryptogenic (nine species) and exotic (five species) bryozoans dominated the assemblages in all treatments, indicating that the type of substrate (especially artificial) and its orientation can favor the settlement of bryozoans, particularly non-native species. Therefore, the availability of multiple types of artificial substrates in marine environments should be treated as a cause for concern.

Biofilmes , Briozoários , Animais
PeerJ ; 11: e15144, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37073277


Background: The increasing habitat heterogeneity and complexity shows positive effects over different communities, leading to environmental diversity, access to resources and reducing the effectiveness of predation. In the present study we evaluate the structural and functional patterns of polychaete assemblages of three Mussismilia species with different coral morphology. Mussismilia hispida has a massive growth pattern; M. braziliensis also is a massive coral but forms a crevice in the corallum base; and M. harttii has a meandroid pattern. Methods: Ten individuals of the three Mussismilia species were sampled in two reefs in the Todos-os-Santos Bay, and we analyzed the differences in richness and abundance of polychaete species and the functional diversity metrics: Rao's quadratic entropy, functional dispersion, functional evenness, number of functional groups and functional richness, among Mussismilia species. Results: Two-way ANOVA with permutations showed significant differences for polychaete abundances and richness among Mussismilia species (higher values for M. harttii), but no differences were recorded when compared between the two coral reef areas studied. There was no statistical difference among coral species or between reefs in relation to the functional diversity components influenced by abundance, such as Rao quadratic entropy, functional dispersion, and functional evenness. Some individual polychaete functional traits presented differences among Mussismilia species, and that also helped us to build a picture about the effect of different growth structures over functional aspects of polychaete assemblages. Thus, the taxonomical approach, the analysis of individual functional traits and the functional diversity metrics are fundamental tools to characterize the assemblage of organisms associated with corals.

Antozoários , Animais , Recifes de Corais , Ecossistema , Fenótipo
Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 23(2): e20231467, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447507


Abstract This work was carried out in order to provide the length-weight relationship (LWR) and the allometric condition factor (Ka), as well as its correlation with limnological variables, for Prochilodus lineatus from the middle Tietê River basin. Fish were collected using gill nets in two rivers with contrasting environmental conditions, totaling 46 specimens in the highly polluted Tietê River, and 37 in the Peixe River, a relatively well-conserved tributary. Environmental measures were obtained concomitantly to the fish capture. The results showed an isometric growth (b = 3.00) for the fish from Tietê River and a positive allometric growth (b = 3.23) for the fish from Peixe River. The mean value of Ka was unexpectedly higher for the main river (Ka = 2.63) when compared to its tributary (Ka = 2.42), being statistically different from each other. This can be explained by the much higher availability of organic sediments in the main river, resulting from a long-term eutrophication process. Nevertheless, the positive and statistically significant correlations with dissolved oxygen, for both rivers, as well as significant negative correlations with electric conductivity, nitrogen and chlorophyll a for Tietê River, indicate the negative effects of the water quality deterioration on the fish condition factor. The work contributes to the expansion of knowledge about P. lineatus, the most important commercial fish of the middle Tietê River basin, which is severely impacted by unsustainable human actions.

Resumo Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de fornecer a relação peso-comprimento (LWR) e o fator de condição alométrico (Ka), bem como sua correlação com variáveis limnológicas, para Prochilodus lineatus da bacia do médio rio Tietê. Os peixes foram coletados com redes de espera em dois rios com condições ambientais contrastantes, totalizando 46 espécimes no altamente poluído rio Tietê, e 37 no rio do Peixe, um tributário relativamente bem conservado. Medidas ambientais foram obtidas concomitantemente à captura dos peixes. Os resultados mostraram um crescimento isométrico (b = 3,00) para os peixes do rio Tietê e um crescimento alométrico positivo (b = 3,23) para os peixes do rio do Peixe. O valor médio de Ka foi, inesperadamente, maior para o rio principal (Ka = 2,63) quando comparado ao seu afluente (Ka = 2,42), sendo estatisticamente diferentes entre si. Isso pode ser explicado pela disponibilidade muito maior de sedimentos orgânicos no rio principal, resultante de um longo processo de eutrofização. No entanto, as correlações positivas e estatisticamente significativas com o oxigênio dissolvido, para ambos os rios, bem como correlações significativas negativas com a condutividade elétrica, nitrogênio e clorofila a para o rio Tietê, indicam os efeitos negativos da deterioração da qualidade da água sobre o fator condição dos peixes. O trabalho contribui para a expansão do conhecimento sobre P. lineatus, o peixe de maior importância comercial da bacia do médio rio Tietê, severamente impactada por ações humanas não-sustentáveis.

An Acad Bras Cienc ; 92(3): e20191096, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33263662


Biological and abiotic processes influence ecosystem structure and species distribution. For bryozoan assemblages, depth, substratum and habitat structure are among the main factors influencing their distribution. Ecological studies on bryozoan fauna from Brazil are scarce and factors affecting the distribution and/or diversity of this common group are obscure. Here we attempted to verify the influence of bathymetry on bryozoan richness on the north shore of Bahia State, north-eastern Brazil. We identified 57 bryozoan taxa, comprising 35 families and 50 genera, all belonging to the Cheilostomata. Retevirgula multipunctata Winston, Vieira & Woollacott, 2014 and Tetraplaria dichotoma (Osburn, 1914) and the genus Aimulosia Jullien, 1888 were recorded for the first time from Bahia State. Species growing as encrusting sheets were dominant at all depths. There was a significant difference in richness among samples at different depths, with highest values of richness at 40 meters (Kruskal-Wallis Test). Analysis of similarities revealed a significant difference among the bryozoan assemblages, mainly when comparing assemblages from 10 and 20 meters with deeper ones. Also, shallower assemblages composition varied much than assemblages from 30 and 40 meters. Since depth is a proxy for several environmental parameters, further studies are needed to identify other factors influencing bryozoan distribution.

Biodiversidade , Ecossistema , Brasil , Humanos
Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 20(4): e20201001, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131949


Abstract: We present here the first study that analyzed the composition and richness of rotifers of the entire La Plata River basin, the second largest in South America, based on simultaneous and standardized sampling. Fifteen large reservoirs and eight river stretches were selected in the upper, middle, and lower portions of the Paraná, Paraguay, and Uruguay Rivers, which are the major rivers of the La Plata basin. We took a total of 86 samples (open water habitats) in 2010. A mean of 27±11 species per sub-basin was found, with the highest richness in the Lower Paraná (41 species), followed by the Paranapanema (40 species) and Lower Uruguay (38 species). Low richness was observed in the Middle Uruguay and Middle Paraná. We found 106 species belonging to 21 families and two orders. The family with the highest number of species was Lecanidae (21), followed by Brachionidae (20), Trichocercidae (9), and Synchaetidae (8). The species with higher occurrences were Conochilus dossuarius, Kellicottia bostoniensis, Keratella americana, Keratella cochlearis and Hexarthra mira. New occurrences of rotifers were registered for Brazil (Colurella adriatica), São Paulo State (Enteroplea lacustris), and Argentina (Gastropus hyptopus, Harringia rousseleti and Lecane thienemanni). Spearman correlation between the number of species and physical and chemical variables demonstrated positive correlation with chlorophyll and temperature, and negative correlation with dissolved oxygen. We extend the distribution list for some native (Lecane ludwigii) and non-native species of rotifers (K. bostoniensis). We also list the monogonont rotifer species found at the sampling stations.

Resumo: Apresentamos aqui o primeiro estudo que analisou a composição e riqueza de rotíferos de toda a bacia do Rio da Prata, a segunda maior da América do Sul, com amostragens simultâneas e padronizadas. Quinze grandes reservatórios e oito trechos lóticos foram selecionados nas porções alta, média e baixa dos rios Paraná, Paraguai e Uruguai, que atuam como os principais formadores da bacia do Prata. Coletamos um total de 86 amostras (habitats de águas abertas) em 2010. Foi encontrada uma média de 27 ± 11 espécies por sub-bacia, com maior riqueza no Baixo Paraná (41 espécies), seguido por Paranapanema (40 espécies) e Baixo Uruguai (38 espécies). Uma baixa riqueza foi observada no Médio Uruguai e no Médio Paraná. Encontramos 106 espécies pertencentes a 21 famílias e duas ordens. A família com maior número de espécies foi Lecanidae (21), seguida por Brachionidae (20), Trichocercidae (9) e Synchaetidae (8). As espécies com maior ocorrência foram Conochilus dossuarius, Kellicottia bostoniensis, Keratella americana, Keratella cochlearis e Hexarthra mira. Novas ocorrências de rotíferos foram registradas para o Brasil (Colurella adriatica), Estado de São Paulo (Enteroplea lacustris) e Argentina (Gastropus hyptopus, Harringia rousseleti e Lecane thienemanni). A correlação de Spearman entre o número de espécies e as variáveis físicas e químicas demonstrou correlação positiva com clorofila e temperatura, e correlação negativa com oxigênio dissolvido. Estendemos a lista de distribuição para algumas espécies nativas (Lecane ludwigii) e não-nativas de rotíferos (K. bostoniensis). Disponibilizamos também uma lista de espécies de rotíferos Monogononta encontrados nas estações amostradas.

Zookeys ; (497): 1-111, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25931959


An identification guide is presented for species of calanoid copepod family Diaptomidae from "de la Plata" River Basin (Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay). It was based on material collected during the summer and winter of 2010 from 43 sites across the eastern part and the lower stretches of this basin, the second largest in South America and the fourth in the world. The guide contains identification keys and species diagnoses for males and females, richly supported by scanning electronic micrographs and/or line drawings of 19 species. It also includes some general remarks on the taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships of these species. The key was adjusted to be useful for these species only, with separate keys for each sex, and is the first for females of South America. One species classified herein as incertae sedis was not included in the analysis. At least ten other species have previously been recorded in the basin but were not present in our samples. This is the first attempt to compile comprehensive taxonomic information on this group of copepods in this region, and it is expected to become a useful tool for biologists and young taxonomists interested in the crustacean biota of the Neotropical region.

Pediatr. mod ; 50(11)nov. 2014.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-740849


A presente investigação teve como objetivo analisar a relação da aptidão cardiorrespiratória e atenção (um dos fatores do controle executivo). Para tal a amostra foi composta de 20 indivíduos, com idade entre 7 e 11 anos, selecionados intencionalmente, com participação voluntária, dentro de uma população de alunos frequentes nos projetos realizados na UCB-DF. As crianças foram submetidas a um teste de esforço máximo em esteira para determinar o VO2máx e ao teste de Flanker, adaptado para mensuração do tempo de reação. Foram realizadas análises descritivas, o teste de normalidade de Kolmogorov e Smirnov, no intuito de observar o comportamento normal dos dados; além disso, para a análise inferencial foi realizada a Regressão Linear Simples, para associar a aptidão cardiorrespiratória (VO2máx) com as variáveis da atenção, obtidas através dos estímulos congruentes, incongruentes e neutros, ocorridas durante o teste de Flanker adaptado. Os resultados da regressão linear apontam para uma correlação positiva e significativa, que variou de moderada a alta, entre VO2máx x estímulos congruentes (R2= 0,366; r=0,605; p=0,005), para VO2máx x estímulos incongruentes (R2= 0,423; r=0,650; p=0,002) e VO2máx x estímulos neutros (R2= 0,592; r=0,769; P=0,001). Observa-se, através dos resultados desta pesquisa, que o consumo máximo de oxigênio (principal variável da aptidão física relacionada à saúde) se associa positivamente ao desempenho no teste de atenção e tem poder de explicação de 30% a 60% no desempenho da atenção em crianças em idade escolar.

Front Zool ; 11: 36, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25057279


INTRODUCTION: Diaptomid copepods are prevalent throughout continental waters of the Neotropics, yet little is known about their biogeography. In this study we investigate the main biogeographical patterns among the neotropical freshwater diaptomid copepods using Parsimony Analysis of Endemicity (PAE) based on species records within ecoregions. In addition, we assess potential environmental correlates and limits for species richness. RESULTS: PAE was efficient in identifying general areas of endemism. Moreover, only ecoregion area showed a significant correlation with diaptomid species richness, although climatic factors were shown to provide possible upper limits to the species richness in a given ecoregion. CONCLUSION: The main patterns of endemism in neotropical freshwater diaptomid copepods are highly congruent with other freshwater taxa, suggesting a strong historical signal in determining the distribution of the family in the Neotropics.

Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 36(2): 197-207, abr.- jun. 2014. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-849079


The aim of this work was to perform a comparative analysis of four lateral lagoons and of the main channel of the Rosana Reservoir (Paranapanema river), southeast Brazil. The fieldwork was conducted during dry and rainy periods of 2004 and 2005. The analyzed variables were chlorophyll a, turbidity, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, dissolved nutrients (ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate and silicate), Secchi disk transparency, suspended solids, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and electrical conductivity. Intense summer rainfall provided a high input of allochthonous material into the system, resulting in conspicuous changes - high turbidity and nutrient concentrations and low transparency, especially in the reservoir channel. The cluster analysis showed a clear segregation between the reservoir sampling site and the lagoons. The results evidenced the strong influence of regional factors on the limnological structure and functioning of these environments. The alternation between dry and rainy periods changes significantly the characteristics of the main channel and lagoons, mainly due to the contribution of tributaries. Spatially, the system exhibited a remarkable limnological variability. This shows the need to consider these distinct habitats in regional conservation strategy, presently focused on terrestrial habitats.

O objetivo desse estudo foi realizar uma análise comparativa de quatro lagoas laterais e do canal principal do reservatório de Rosana (rio Paranapanema, Brasil). O trabalho de campo foi realizado no período de setembro e novembro de 2004 e janeiro, março, maio e agosto de 2005. As variáveis analisadas foram clorofila a, turbidez, fósforo e nitrogênio total, nutrientes dissolvidos (amônio, nitrato, nitrito, fosfato e silicato), transparência do disco de Secchi, sólidos em suspensão, temperatura, pH, oxigênio dissolvido e condutividade elétrica. As chuvas de verão forneceram grande quantidade de material alóctone ao sistema, o que resultou em mudanças conspícuas - elevada turbidez e altas concentrações de nutrientes, e diminuição da transparência, especialmente no canal do reservatório. A análise de agrupamento mostrou clara a distinção entre o ponto do reservatório e as lagoas laterais. Os resultados evidenciaram a forte influência dos fatores regionais para a estrutura e funcionamento limnológico desses ambientes. A alternância entre períodos de seca e chuva muda significativamente as características do canal do reservatório e das lagoas, principalmente pela contribuição dos rios tributários. Espacialmente, o sistema apresentou uma notável variabilidade limnológica. Isso demonstra a necessidade de se considerar estes habitats em estratégia de conservação regional, focada atualmente nos ecossistemas terrestres.

Eutrofização , Alimentos , Laguna Costeira , Recursos Hídricos
Autops Case Rep ; 4(1): 39-44, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28652991


Testicular neoplasms are uncommon tumors of childhood. These tumors comprise the germ cell tumors, and other tumors that may originate from histological testicular components, which are unrelated to the germinal lineage. Among the latter are the sex cord-stromal tumors (SCST), an important entity in newborns. SCSTs comprise, among others, granulosa cell tumors, which are more common in the ovary, but in rare cases may develop in the testis. The prognosis is excellent since it is universally benign. Diagnosis, which is sometimes challenging, is usually made after orchiectomy and pathological examination, which is characterized by morphological features and positive expression of inhibin, calretinin, and vimentin, and negative for alpha-fetoprotein. The authors present the case of a newborn with a right enlarged testis detected during the first examination after birth. Ultrasonography showed a heterogeneous solid/cystic mass in the right testis, without retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy. A right inguinal orchiectomy was performed 21 hours after birth. Pathologic examination revealed a juvenile granulosa cell tumor of the right testicle. After 4 years of follow-up, as expected, the child presented an uneventful outcome.

J Med Primatol ; 42(2): 101-4, 2013 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23311626


BACKGROUND: The accumulation of pus in the orbit originating from an infected dental root is classified as odontogenic intraorbital abscess. METHODS: Clinical, laboratory, and image evaluation of a non-human primate was performed. RESULTS: The patient was cured after surgical therapy. CONCLUSIONS: This represents the first report of an odontogenic periodontal abscess in Cebus apella.

Cebus , Exoftalmia/veterinária , Doenças dos Macacos/diagnóstico , Doenças dos Macacos/patologia , Doenças dos Macacos/cirurgia , Órbita/patologia , Abscesso Periodontal/veterinária , Animais , Exoftalmia/etiologia , Exoftalmia/cirurgia , Masculino , Abscesso Periodontal/complicações , Abscesso Periodontal/cirurgia
Mol Phylogenet Evol ; 63(3): 758-67, 2012 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22387534


The use of single copy nuclear markers is of increasing importance in plant phylogenetics. The generally higher level of variability compared to chloroplast DNA and the ability to use incongruence in a multilocus analysis to determine reticulation patterns makes these kinds of sequence based markers especially useful for species level investigations. However, the prevalence of gene duplication that results from the high frequency of polyploidization events during the evolution of higher plants can impede marker development especially for groups lacking model organisms. Here, we present the strategy and results of marker development for phylogenetic analysis in Micromeria, using publicly available DNA sequences and ESTs from related genera from Lamiaceae, subfamily Nepetoideae. By eliminating markers with signatures of duplication during four steps of marker development, we were able to select 19 primer pairs that resulted in orthologous products for all the species studied. This corresponds to 23% of the initial 84 primer pairs designed. Using an initial sampling of eight individuals, we tested the markers for support of phylogenetic hypotheses related to the evolution of Micromeria on the Canary Islands. While some hypotheses were supported by all markers, an east west split, with a closer relationship between the species of Tenerife and Madeira on one hand and the ones from Gran Canaria and the eastern islands on the other is supported by 12 markers but contradicted by the remaining seven. This indicates that reticulation and inter-island gene flow played a role in the evolution of Micromeria.

Genes de Plantas , Mentha/genética , Filogenia , Evolução Molecular , Etiquetas de Sequências Expressas , Marcadores Genéticos , Tipagem de Sequências Multilocus , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Análise de Sequência de DNA , Espanha
São Paulo; LMP; 2 ed; 2011. 216 p. ilus, tab, graf.
Monografia em Português | Coleciona SUS | ID: biblio-943552
J Endourol ; 23(3): 405-7, 2009 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19309301


INTRODUCTION: The occurrence of urolithiasis in pregnancy represents a challenge in both diagnosis and treatment of this condition, because it presents risks not only to the mother but also to the fetus. Surgical treatment may be indicated for patients with infection, persistent pain, and obstruction of a solitary kidney. We present our experience on the management of pregnant patients with ureteral calculi and a review of the literature. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The charts of 19 pregnant patients with obstructive ureteral calculi were retrospectively reviewed. Gestational age ranged from 13 to 33 weeks. In all patients, ureteral stone was diagnosed on abdominal ultrasound. In regard to localization, 15 calculi were in the distal ureter, 3 in the proximal ureter, and 1 in the interior of an ureterocele. Calculi size ranged from 6 to 10 mm (mean, 8 mm). The following criteria were used to indicate ureteroscopy: persistent pain with no improvement after clinical treatment, increase in renal dilation, or presence of uterine contractions. Nine patients (47.3%) were submitted to ureteroscopy. All calculi (100%) were removed with a stone basket extractor under continuous endoscopic vision. None of the calculi demanded the use of a lithotriptor. RESULTS: Nine patients (47.3%) treated with clinical measurements presented no obstetric complications and spontaneous elimination of the calculi. Nine patients (47.3%) submitted to ureteroscopy had no surgical complications. There was remission of pain in all cases after ureteroscopy and ureteral catheter placement. CONCLUSION: The diagnosis and treatment of ureteral lithiasis in pregnant women present potential risks for the fetus and the mother. Conservative management is the first option, but ureteroscopy may be performed with safety and high success rates.

Cálculos Ureterais/terapia , Ureteroscopia/métodos , Feminino , Humanos , Gravidez
Reverso ; 30(55): 77-80, jun.2008.
Artigo em Português | Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: psi-37101


Freud recebeu o prêmio Goethe ainda em vida. Reconhecida a preeminência de pensador alemão em vários campos da vida prática e cultural da Europa de sua época, importância que até hoje não pode ser diminuída, Freud mostrou que Goethe já ostentava, tanto na sua vida quanto nos seus escritos, fundas intuições claramente psicanalíticas – um psicanalista avant la lettre. O sentimento do criador da psicanálise com respeito ao mestre era, também, fundamente afetuoso, inclusive nos sonhos com Goethe que nos contou(AU)

During his life, Freud was awarded for Goethe Prize. One has recognized the german thinker's pre-eminence on practical and cultural life of Europe of his time, which importance cannot be reduced until today, Freud showed that Goethe already had announced, so much in his life, as in their writings, clearly psychoanalytic deep intuitions – a forestalled psychoanalyst. Also, the psychoanalysis’ creator feelings with regard to the master were affectionate including your recorded Goethe’s dreams(AU)

São Paulo; s.n; 2008. [213] p. ilus, tab, graf.
Tese em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-587276


INTRODUÇÃO: O tratamento cirúrgico das estenoses uretrais com enxertos limita-se ao emprego de materiais orgânicos, mais freqüentemente autoenxertos. O sucesso no uso de biomateriais sintéticos em diferentes áreas da medicina motivou a pesquisa desses materiais na reconstrução uretral. A informação de que o uso de prótese mamária de silicone recoberta com espuma de poliuretano revelou menor retração cicatricial que as próteses convencionais e o fato desses polímeros já serem empregados como elastômero na confecção de cateteres urinários, levou à escolha deste material para estudo. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada a ressecção de segmento dorsal da uretra anterior de 20 coelhos machos NZW. O defeito uretral foi tratado com o implante no leito uretral dorsal de uma placa não tubularizada de silicone, revestida externamente com espuma de poliuretano (Si-Pu). Como controle foi confeccionado o grupo Sham (GS) com 12 animais. Este grupo foi submetido à uretrotomia dorsal longitudinal e uretrorrafia, sem qualquer tipo de implante. As análises foram feitas com 2, 4, 8 e 24 semanas após a cirurgia. Analisaram-se alterações da circunferência da uretra e complicações cirúrgicas. Fez-se estudo histológico com coloração de Tricrômico de Mason, Hematoxilina-eosina e Picrosírirus red. Foram avaliadas: intensidade e características da resposta inflamatória, espessura da parede da uretra (edema) e concentração do colágeno na submucosa da uretra. Foi realizada análise microbiológica e pesquisa de incrustação do implante por termogravimetria. Os achados foram comparados com os dados de três coelhos que não sofreram qualquer intervenção. RESULTADOS: Não foram encontradas fístulas, estenoses, obstrução, calcificação, retração cicatricial ou deiscências. Ocorreu expulsão do implante em 1/5 dos animais após 4 semanas, em 2/5 com 8 semanas e em 3/5 com 24 semanas. Não houve redução da circunferência da uretra na comparação entre os grupos Experimental (GE) e GS, exceto para o intervalo de...

BACKGROUND: Actually, the treatment of urethral stenosis employs biological grafts, usually autologous grafts. The success with synthetic biomaterials in others medical specialtys motivated the search of these materials in urethral reconstruction. The knowledge about the silicone mamarian prosthesis covered with polyurethane foam reduces capsular contracture in breast implants and because these polymers are already used in the urinary tract like catheters make the choice for these materials. METHODS: The resection of dorsal segment of anterior urethra of 20 male rabbits NZW was carried through. The urethral defect was treated with the on lay dorsal graft in urethra, compound a silicone not tabularized, coated with polyurethane foam in one face (Si-Pu). The control group (sham) was confectioned with 12 animals was submitted to longitudinal dorsal uretrotomy and suture, without any type of implantation (SG). The analyses intervals were 2, 4, 8 and 24 weeks after surgery. The circumference of urethra and surgical complications had been analyzed. Material for histological evaluation was stained with Massons thrichrome, hematoxylin and eosin and Picrosirius red. Intensity and characteristics of the inflammatory response, thickness of the urethra (oedema) and concentration of the collagen in the submucosa had been evaluated. Still, was performed microbiological analysis and research of implants incrustation with thermogravimetry. The findings had been compared with the data of three rabbits that had not suffered any intervention. RESULTS: The morfological analysis not founded fistula, obstruction, stenosis, cicatricial retraction, calcification and dehiscence. The graft was extruded after 4 weeks in 1/5 of the animals, in 2/5 after 8 weeks and after 24 weeks, 3/5 of the animals had failure of union with the surrounding tissue. Except for the interval of 8 weeks, It did not have urethral circumference reduction in the comparison between groups, Experimental (EG)...

Animais , Coelhos , Poliuretanos , Silicones , Uretra/cirurgia
Urol Nurs ; 22(4): 257-62, 2002 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12242898


Nurses, parents, and children play an equally important role in successful behavioral management of childhood enuresis. This pilot study describes results of a multifaceted program in Brazil in which all children showed improvement in bedwetting over a 4-month treatment period. Methods used by these nurses may help in designing and implementing similar programs.

Terapia Comportamental/métodos , Enurese/enfermagem , Adolescente , Brasil , Criança , Enurese/psicologia , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Projetos Piloto , Resultado do Tratamento
São Paulo med. j ; 119(4): 135-137, July 2001.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-302318


CONTEXT: Despite the recent improvements in performing radical retropubic prostatectomy that have led to a considerable decrease in the complication rate, erectile dysfunction still represents a major problem. Moreover, less invasive treatment options that are emerging for erectile dysfunction have not shown satisfactory results in managing these patients. OBJECTIVE: To study the efficacy and side effects of self-injection therapy in the treatment of men who had become impotent after undergoing radical prostatectomy due to prostate cancer, over a study period of 96 months. DESIGN: Observational study. SETTING: University Referral Center. PARTICIPANTS: 168 patients with erectile dysfunction, aged 43 to 78 years old, who underwent radical retropubic prostatectomy due to localized prostate cancer. PROCEDURES: The patients were treated with self-injection therapy using papaverine, phentolamine and prostaglandin E1, at home. RESULTS: This study showed an acceptable 94.6 percent success rate, with no life-threatening complications. In addition to this, our series presented a 13.1 percent cure rate with this therapy. CONCLUSION: Self-injection therapy with papaverine, phentolamine and prostaglandin E1 is effective and safe in the treatment of erectile dysfunction after radical prostatectomy

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Prostatectomia , Vasodilatadores , Disfunção Erétil , Papaverina , Fentolamina , Prostatectomia , Neoplasias da Próstata , Autoadministração , Alprostadil , Estudos Retrospectivos , Resultado do Tratamento , Disfunção Erétil , Injeções